The Marching Band banquet. Each year (since we have been here) they have a banquet to end the season. A dinner, a commemoration time, an awards presentation and finally a DVD of the season. The picture of the group is the Senior Marching Band Class. Erika is bottom row third from the right. Of course the other picture is Erika, Seth and Cassidy. "Our Band Champions!" The show performed was "Paris Sketches" thus the picture of the Eiffel Tower in the background.
Fall Sport Awards evening. After all sports met as a group we split off to the Soccer section. This is a picture of the JV Soccer team out of uniform. Cassidy is second row, next to the blond girl at the end.
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Play is called "Our Miss Brooks." Seth played a nerdy boy named Stanley. Miss Brooks is a teacher who wants to get married and go on a nice vacation and doing both at once would be nice. Miss Brooks is interested in the Athletic Director and vice versa and a couple of students are interested in each other. They play shows this romance as well as the teacher getting tasked with directing the school play. The play is just about to go on as the curtains come down on "Our Miss Brooks." Seth has interesting glasses he wears, a strange type of walk and voice. During opening night and Seth did a wonderful job and seriously could have walked out at the end by himself when the crowd acknowledges the cast and been cheered.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It is off to the fall play to see Seth perform. It is great having a lot of kids as they have diverse interests. We get the athletic side from Cassidy, the drama side from Seth and the Music side from all of them. Tell you more about it after we see it....
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Marching Band season has come to a close. We still have the banquet to attend but the performances have ended. These are a few pictures of their state performance. The picture showing a lot of people on the field are all ten bands that compete in Class B. Our team took 5th. The picture taken of the bus shows Cassidy on the right of the picture as you view it in a window to her own. Erika is pictured in the trio and she is on your right as viewing the picture. Cassidy was decked out in some fake eyelashes as some of the folks dressed up for Halloween.
Wednesday night was the Family preview of the Marching Band show. It was a great evening as the band finished up practice they then did a full rehearsal for us as this all prepared them for their state show on Saturday. They then gathered the band and had a talk from the Principal and Superintendent as well as from the Drum Majors. Yes, Erika made a speech as did all four drum majors. The band then marched out to the sirens and sounds of firetrucks. You can tell which picture is of Erika (Drum Major), Cassidy's picture is where shi is the head of the line holding the flute and Seth is holding his Sax standing to the right of a tuba player.
Halloween pictures at our Ward Halloween party. Jaden is Luke Skywalker and Rebecca is Jack Sparrow.